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During systole

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Q: When is pressure in the left ventricle at its highest?
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What has the highest blood pressure a right ventricle b right atrium c left ventricle d left atrium?

C Left Ventricle

Where do you have the highest blood pressure?

aorta. The left ventricle pumps the blood into it...

Is the pressure in the right ventricle higher or lower than the left ventricle?

The pressure in the left ventricle is significantly higher than the pressure in the right ventricle. This is true with the assumption that you are referring to ventricular systole (contraction of the ventricle). The left ventricle forces blood out of the heart into the aorta to all parts of the body, and that same pressure forces blood back through the veins.

Human blood pressure is highest in what vessel?

Blood pressure is highest in the arteries.

What chamber of the heart exerts the greatest force?

The chamber of the heart that produces the greatest pressure is the left ventricle. This pressure can be quantified by the systolic blood pressure, or the top number of the patient's blood pressure.

Why is blood pressure higher in left ventricle than in right ventricle?

The pressure in the left ventricle is significantly higher than the pressure in the right ventricle. This is true with the assumption that you are referring to ventricular systole (contraction of the ventricle). The left ventricle forces blood out of the heart into the aorta to all parts of the body, and that same pressure forces blood back through the veins.

Is diastolic pressure equal to heart rate?

Systolic blood pressure is when the left ventricle contracts (first number), diastolic pressure is when the left ventricle relaxes (second number).

What Pressure created when the left ventricle contracts is called?

systolic pressure

Which camber of the heart contracts with the most force?

The left ventricle This is because it has to contract against the highest resistance, the aortic pressure and systemic vascular resitance. Hence left ventricle also has the thickest muscle of the lot.

Heart chamber contracts with most force?

The left ventricle. This is because it has to contract against the highest resistance, aortic pressure and systemic vascular resistance. Systolic pressure is pumping he blood from the left ventricle into the rest of the human body. It takes a lot of force to get blood to go through your circulatory system.

Is the left ventricle of the heart bigger than the right ventricle?

because the left ventricle has to pump blood all around the body under high pressure, whereas the right ventricle only has to pump blood to the lungs under low pressure.

What type of blood pressure is measured when the left ventricle is contracting?

The systolic pressure.