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Viewing a shuttle launch is a once in a lifetime experience for many, so one answer is whenever you get the opportunity. Many who have seen multiple launches state that night launches are their favorites. From a practical point of view, launches scheduled for times and dates where weather is less likely to cause delays are the best. Launches scheduled for summer afternoons and evenings are the most likely to be scrubbed due to the often volatile weather conditions.

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Q: When is the best time of the year to launch the space shuttle?
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Related questions

What is the time line for a space shuttle launch?

That is a very vague question. That being said, I did find a website with a space shuttle launch countdown time line from T-6hours to T-0 (launch):

When is the date and time of the next space shuttle launch?

The next space shuttle launch is on February 24th. Scott Kelly- Gabbi Giffords' husband is on board. They are going to the International Space Station (ISS)

How was the space shuttle Columbia different from the rest?

The Space Shuttle Columbia was the very first Space Shuttle that was launch on April 12th 1981 at the Kennedy Space Center. At that time the crew of the first shuttle launch was only two crewmembers (Commnader John Young & Pilot Robert Crippen)

What time did the space shuttle launch on the 7th feb 2010?

5:07 am

What time is the space shuttle passing over tonight?

There is not a shuttle in space right now and the next launch is not until Saturday at 7:39pm Eastern.

How much time does it take for the space shuttle to reach orbit from launching?

depends where you launch from and where you go

What is the command center of the space shuttle called?

Mission control. Before launch it is controlled from Kennedy Space Center, but from the time it clears the launch tower it is controlled from Houston.

When is the best time to launch the space shuttle?

Space Shuttle missions can only be launched during windows of time which allow the vehicle to reach the orbit required for that particular mission. This is generally calculated to rendezvous with the International Space Station but has also been designed to launch commercial or military satellites or rendezvous with the Hubble Space Telescope for repairs and upgrades. NASA prefers to launch in the daylight to allow for maximum visibility during ascent to spot any debris impacting the orbiter for further inspection in orbit. Practically speaking, times when weather is calmest is best as it lessens the chance of weather related scrubs.

Was there a double space shuttle launch?

No. There has never been a double space shuttle launch. The closest NASA ever came to this was scheduled for May of 1986 when 2 planetary probes were to be launched from shuttles in the same week. However, NASA has had 2 space shuttles out on the launch pads at the same time several times. First in late 1985/early 1986, and the last in 2009.

What was the time of the first space shuttle launch?

Space Shuttle Columbia was launched on April 12th, 1981 at 0800:03 EDT. John Young and Robert Crippen were the Cmdr and Pilot on this first ever Space Shuttle flight. They returned to Earth with a perfect landing at Edwards AFB on April 14th, 1981.

How long does a rocket take to take off?

From the time the Space Shuttle's on-board computers start the launch sequence until the time the shuttle actually lifts off the pad is about 31 seconds. About 60 seconds after lift off, the engines on the shuttle are at maximum throttle.

How are space shuttles grounded?

When the launch director determines that conditions are not sufficiently safe, the launch will be cancelled (or scrubbed). The entire fleet of space shuttles was grounded twice to allow time for serious safety concerns to be addressed. This happend after each space shuttle disaster (Challenger and Columbia).