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Q: When it has been raining hard for several hours?
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What is the lyrics of the jazz chants ''rain''?

It was raining, raining, raining hard. It was falling on my head. It was falling on the stars. It was falling on my shoes. I got soaking wet I got soaking wet. But I stayed outside. I stayed outside. The rain was sweet. The rain was warm. The rain was soft It reminded me of home It was raining, raining, raining hard. It was falling, falling, falling on the stars It was raining, raining, raining hard. It was falling, falling, falling on the stars. Soft rain Raining, raining Sweet rain Raining, raining Warm rain Raining, raining Sweet soft Raining, raining Warm rain Raining, raining Sweet soft Raining, raining Warm rain Raining, raining

What does raining cat and dogs mean?

Raining cats and dogs mean that it's raining very hard

Where did raining animals come from?

The expression 'raining cats and dogs' means that it is raining really hard, so people figured that if animals were coming from the sky they would be coming down really hard too.

Can a plane take off when its raining?

If it's not raining really heavily and there's still good visibility, it can. Hard rain comes with high winds, which will keep planes from taking off. I've been in a lot of planes that took off when it was raining, and they did fine.

Has there ever been an MLB game played in the rain without delays?

yeah, all the time, depends how hard it is raining

How does hard rain form?

Hard rain forms when it is cold AND it is raining.

Does this sentence need an apostrophe it took several hours hard work to repair the damage?

Yes, at the end of "hours".

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Is it is raining extremely hard outside a hyperbole?


If it is raining hard at midnight hard how probable is it that it will be sunny in 72 hours?

The weather can change rapidly, so it is difficult to predict with certainty. However, if it is raining heavily at midnight, there may be a higher chance that the weather could clear up within 72 hours, but it is not guaranteed. Weather forecasts should be consulted for more accurate information.

Is Canada's wonderland open on dates when its raining?

yes it is...although they close down few rides wen it is raining hard

Are you really about to have a flood?

Yes do u see how hard its raining