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Light that approaches perpendicular to an interface between two different media (such as air and glass) *does not change direction*. Light that approaches such an interface at an angle other than 90° will change direction because the speed of light in the two different media is different. Simile: Think of a little red wagon running along a sidewalk, and one of its wheels drops off on the grass. The wheels on the sidewalk (like light through air) roll easily (like the speed of light in air), while the wheel in the grass (like light in glass) tends to want to roll more slowly for a given applied energy (like the lower speed of light in glass). The wagon will tend to suddenly turn fully out into the grass... (if it does not tip over and crash). it changes direction because the light is refracted.

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15y ago
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11y ago

beacuse it refracts

what is happening, physically, is that the speed of light in the glass block is different than the speed out in the air. When the wave hits, and this speed change causes the wave to be torqued into a new direction.

A physical situation similar to this would be driving a car down a road, one tire ont he pavement, the other on a really soft shoulder. That soft shoulder will act to slow down that side of the car. The faster side tries to get out ahead, but is instead turned (as it's still attached to the slow moving side) and the entire car is deflected off the road.

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10y ago



Answer #2:

There is refraction, and there is always some reflection.

Also, once the light is inside the glass, there is absorption.

Dispersion and scattering are likely in there as well, and if any

of the light comes out on the other side of the block, then

there is transmission.

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1w ago

The effect is known as refraction. Refraction occurs because light waves change speed when they pass from one medium to another, causing them to bend.

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14y ago

the name of this effect is called refraction

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13y ago

This is called refraction.

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11y ago

The effect is named "refraction".

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Q: When light passes into a glass block it changes direction what is the effect known as?
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