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Refracted. Light passing through is refracted, light bouncing off of is reflected.

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1w ago

Light passing through eyeglasses is refracted, not reflected. The lenses in eyeglasses are designed to bend or refract light in a way that helps to correct vision problems. This refraction causes the light to focus properly on the retina, allowing for clearer vision.

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9y ago

When changing from one substance to another, the light will typically change direction, in a process known as refraction.

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Q: When light travels through a pair of eyeglasses is it reflected or refracted?
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What happens when light travels through a pair of eyeglasses?

It is refracted

Write down different properties of light and sound?

Light: travels in straight lines, can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed, has a constant speed in a vacuum. Sound: travels in waves, requires a medium to propagate, can be reflected, refracted, or diffracted, its speed depends on the medium through which it travels.

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When light travels in straight lines can it be reflected or refracted?

Yes, when light travels in straight lines, it can be reflected off surfaces or refracted when passing through different mediums with varying densities. Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, while refraction happens when light changes direction as it travels from one medium to another.

When a ray of light hits a surface what two things will happen to it?

When a ray of light hits a surface, it can either be reflected, where it bounces off the surface, or refracted, where it enters the material and bends as it travels through.

In what direction does light travel?

Light travels in a straight line until it is reflected, refracted, or absorbed by a medium. It can travel in all directions depending on the source and the medium through which it passes.

When white light travels through a glass prism what colour is refracted through the smallest angle?

Red since red light travels the slowest

What is a direct wave?

A direct wave is a radio wave that travels directly through space without getting refracted by the ionosphere. In other words, it travels straight to the receiving antenna without being refracted.

What is wave direction?

A direct wave is a radio wave that travels directly through space without getting refracted by the ionosphere. In other words, it travels straight to the receiving antenna without being refracted.

When light travels through a pair of glasses is it refracted?

Yes, light is refracted when it passes through a pair of eyeglasses. The lenses in glasses are designed to bend the light rays in a way that corrects vision problems such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. This refraction helps focus the light onto the retina, allowing for clearer vision.

What objects does a sound travel through?

Sound can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, sound travels the fastest due to the close arrangement of particles. In liquids, sound travels at a medium speed, while in gases, it travels slower as the particles are more spread out.