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A part is a "ratio" of one ingredient to another, not an actual measure. For example, if a drink was one part tequila, 3 parts gin and 7 parts creme de menthe, to make this you could measure 1 shot glass worth of tequila, 3 shot glasses worth of gin and 7 shot glasses worth of creme de menthe. Equally, you could measure it with pint glasses. (The receptacle that you use to measure the parts should remain the same volume for all the measurements). This method means that the quantity you make can be easily scaled up or down.

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3w ago

In the context of cocktail making, a "part" refers to a unit of measure that can be scaled to any desired quantity. For example, you could make a cocktail with 1 part whiskey, 1 part vermouth, and 1 part bitters, regardless of the actual volume you are making. This allows for easy scaling of recipes to suit different serving sizes.

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