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the tall trait was controlled by a dominant factor.

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The tall Gene is dominant, the short Gene is recessive

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The tall gene is dominant

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Dominant. novanet :)

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Q: When mendel crossed a strain of tall pea plants with a strain of short pea plants he observed that all the f1 generation were tall this suggest that?
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What can you conclude about Gregor Mendel from the information presented in the movie?

he established all the principles of modern genetics

Was mendel one of the first scientists to discover the basic mechanisms of heredity in the mid -1800s?

yes he was. its true

In the late 1800s Mendel predicted the existence of units of hereditary information or factors What do you call these units of hereditary information today?


Describe the favored model of heredity in the 19th century prior to mendel and explain thow this model was in consistent with observations?

oh my goodness, you are in my class aren't you?

How did Mendel know the the tall pea plants in the first generation had a hidden factor for shortness?

By "test cross" you can know whether it homozygous dominant or heterozygous homozygous both alleles code for the dominant trait, in heterozygous one allele is recessive (what you called a "hidden factor"). To perform the test cross, cross a homozygous recessive with the first generation. Lets suppose tall pea tree in the first generation is hetrozygous dominant (Xx) and has alleles X (dominant) and x (recessive). When we cross it with homozygous recessive (xx) X x x :Xx xx x :Xx xx we get half offspring showing dominant trait (Xx) and half showing recessive (xx). If the first generation was homozygous (which is not possible) the result would be X X x: Xx Xx x: Xx Xx all the offspring showing dominant trait and it doesn't really happen when we cross the first generation with homozygous recessive. It means that the genotype of first generation is heterozygous (has a hidden factor or a recessive allele x). Note:You must know what the recessive and dominant allele means...In presence of a dominant allele, recessice character is not expressed but it is present is heterozygous. If both alleles are recessive (homozygous recessive) then the recessive trait is expressed. If both the alleles are dominant (homozygous dominant) obviusly the dominant trait is showed by the individual.

Related questions

How did mendel the F1 generation for his experiments?

he crossed two pure lines

How did Mendel make the F1 generation for his experiment?

he crossed two pure lines

How did Mendel make F1 generation for his experiment?

he crossed two pure lines

What did Mendel's work first and second generation mean?

In a typical Mendel experiment, Mendel took two purebreeding lines (the parental generation) and crossed them to produce the 1st filial generation and sometimes would self cross these to produce the 2nd filial generation.

What are the phenotype of the f2 generation that Mendel observed?

The phenotypes present in the F1 generation depend on the phenotypes of the parental generation (and the environment). The F1 generation will display the dominant trait(s). For example, if T is tall and t is short, in the cross TT X tt the F1 generation will have the phenotype corresponding to the T allele (tall).

What technology did Gregor Mendel use for his pea plant experiments?

Gregor Mendel used traditional manual methods such as cross-pollination and careful record-keeping for his pea plant experiments. He observed the patterns of inheritance by systematically breeding pea plants with specific traits over multiple generations. Mendel's experiments laid the foundation for modern genetics.

What were Gregory Mendel's observations'?

Gregor Mendel observed that traits in pea plants were passed down from generation to generation in predictable patterns. He discovered the principles of inheritance, including the idea that traits are determined by discrete units of inheritance, now known as genes. Mendel's work laid the foundation for the field of genetics.

When mendel crossed a strain of tall pea plants with a strain of short pea plants he observed that all of the plants in the F generation were tall this suggests that?

All of the offspring had at least one dominant tall allele. All of the offspring in the F1 generation were heterozygous "Tt" meaning they each had one tall allele "T" and one short allele "t". It also suggest that one parent was homozygous tall TT and the other was homozygous short "tt."

What generation did Mendel get when he crossed the plants that produced the F1 generation?

100% percent of the plants expressed the dominate trait ........................................................................................ what do u get when u mix purple with purple you get 100% purple :) simple peace of cake !

What did mendel find in the f1 generation?

he crossed two pure lines

How do you explain Mendel's mono hybrid cross 1?

Mendel crossed a pure-breeding round-seeded variety with a pure-breeding wrinkled-seeded one. All the peas produced in the second or hybrid generation were round.

What did mendel conclude after his stem height pea plant experiment?

Mendel's experiment showed that with other traits it showed a similar pattern and also that it resulted that this crossed the first generation. The dwarf height traits had seemed to disappear. He then let the first generation plants self pollinate.