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Charges cannot be created or destroyed, but they can be transferred from one object to another. When objects become charged, electrons are either added or removed, causing a redistribution of charge. The total charge in a closed system remains constant.

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Q: When objects are charged can charges be created or destroyed?
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When you charge objects by any method no charges are?

When objects are charged by any method, electrons are either gained or lost, resulting in an imbalance of positive and negative charges on the objects. This imbalance creates a net charge on the objects, making them charged.

How charged objects react with neutral objects and same charged objects?

Charged objects will attract neutral objects due to the difference in charge. Like-charged objects will repel each other due to the similar charges they possess. This behavior is governed by the principles of electrostatics.

A charged object exerts what on other charged objects?

A charged object exerts an electric force on other charged objects. This force can be either attractive or repulsive, depending on the charges of the objects involved. It follows Coulomb's law, which describes the relationship between the charges and the distance between the objects.

How do neutral objects behave when placed near charged objects?

Neutral objects near charged objects will either be attracted or repelled depending on the charge of the nearby object. If the charged object is positive, neutral objects will be attracted towards it; if it is negative, neutral objects will be repelled. This is due to the redistribution of charges in the neutral object when it interacts with the charged object.

Do positively charged objects attract each other?

No, positively charged objects repel each other due to the like charges. Like charges repel, and opposite charges attract.

What is general rule for for how charged objects interact?

Opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. The strength of the interaction depends on the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them, following Coulomb's law. Charged objects can also induce charges in neutral objects nearby, leading to attractive or repulsive forces.

How do charged objects interact with each other differently from the way a charged object interacts with neutral objects?

Two objects that are similarly charged will repel, while two objects with opposite charges will attract. Moreover, a neutral object will attract either charges

How do charged objects affect neutral objects?

Charged objects can induce a charge separation in neutral objects through the process of polarization, where the charges within the neutral object temporarily redistribute. This redistribution of charges can cause the neutral object to be attracted or repelled by the charged object.

What effect do charged objects have on each other and also uncharged objects?

Charged objects can attract or repel each other based on their charges: opposite charges attract and like charges repel. Charged objects can also induce a charge in uncharged objects through a process called induction, causing them to be either attracted or repelled depending on the situation.

What are the 3 rules of static electricity?

Opposite charges attract while like charges repel. Electric charges are conserved; they cannot be created or destroyed. Charges can be transferred between objects through friction, conduction, or induction.

Type of force between charged objects?

The type of force between charged objects is called electrostatic force. This force is attractive for opposite charges and repulsive for like charges, and it follows Coulomb's law.

Explan the laws of static charges?

like charges repel or unlike charges repel or like charges attract and neutral objects are always attracted to charged objects by induction.