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Genetic inheritance and biological factors. This means that psychologists believe that certain aspects of development are influenced by our genetics and are innate to us from birth.

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Q: When psychologists attribute development to nature they are referring to the effects of?
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Cognitive psychologists would be least interested in?

Cognitive psychologists would be least interested in studying the effects of medication on physical health, as their focus is on understanding mental processes such as perception, memory, and problem-solving.

What are the effects of School on the personality development of a child?

School can have a significant impact on a child's personality development by offering opportunities to interact with peers, develop social skills, and gain confidence. It also provides a structured environment for learning, fostering discipline and responsibility. Additionally, school exposes children to diverse experiences and perspectives, contributing to their overall growth and development.

Where did H. M. Skeels and H. B. Dye conduct their study on the effects of socialization on a child's intellectual development?

H.M. Skeels and H.B. Dye conducted their study on the effects of socialization on a child's intellectual development at the Far West Children's Home, a home for orphaned and abandoned children in the United States. The study was published in 1939.

What are the sensitive stages of development?

Sensitive stages of development are periods in a person's life when they are particularly responsive to specific stimuli, which can have long-lasting effects on their physical, cognitive, emotional, or social development. These stages include infancy, early childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood. During these times, individuals are more vulnerable to environmental influences and experiences that can shape their development.

What are two research methods widely used by psychologists?

Two widely used research methods in psychology are experiments, which involve manipulating variables to observe their effects on behavior, and surveys, which involve collecting self-reported data from participants to analyze relationships between variables.

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So that the effects can be measured !

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Cognitive psychologists would be least interested in?

Cognitive psychologists would be least interested in studying the effects of medication on physical health, as their focus is on understanding mental processes such as perception, memory, and problem-solving.

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Psychologists are helpful to Alzheimer's disease patients and their families. They treat the behavioral and psychological problems associated with the illness as well as helping to cope with the diagnosis itself.

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psychologists use drugs like high drugs which alerts our minds in unconscious behavior and these mimic the effect of neurotransmitter in our body

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I think that the effects will be all because of GLOBAL WARMING

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I think that the effects will be all because of GLOBAL WARMING

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