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No, you should copy the original format when quoting.

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Q: When quoting a reference should you capitalize the key words of the title even if it wasn't capitalized in the original format?
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When using a quotation for a title of a paper what words are capitalized?

If you are quoting directly from a written document, the only capitalized words should be those that are capitalized in the original text. If you are quoting speech, you should use capitalization where appropriate with the usual grammar rules.

Do you capitalize the word following quotation marks in a sentence when a statement is being quotated?

You do if you are quoting the statement from the very beginning.

Should you capitalize the first word after a quotation?

You should only capitalize the first word in a quotation if you are quoting from the start of a line, or if the first word is a name. For example, if I were to quote myself, "You should only capitalize the first word in a quotation...". This is quoting from the start of a sentence, so the first word is capitalized. However, "capitalize the first word of a quotation..." does not start at the beginning of the sentence, so it doesn't need to be capitalized.

When do you capitalize the first letter of a quotation?

Capitalize the first letter of a quotation when the quotation is a complete sentence or directly follows a colon. If the quotation is in the middle of a sentence and does not stand alone as a complete thought, the first letter is not capitalized.

When using a quotation for the title of a paper what words are capitalized?

In APA style, the first word of the title is capitalized, along with any proper nouns and the first word after a colon. In MLA style, all major words are capitalized in the title of a paper, except for conjunctions, articles, and prepositions.

When quoting a title of a book or lecture should it be put in single quotes?

When quoting the title of a book, the title has to be underlined and the most important words capitalized. when quotina lecture, it depends on the length, if it is a long lecture, use the rules for books. if it is a short lecture, put between double quotation marks and capitalize the important words. (" ")

Is the word after the end of a quotation capitalized?

No, the word after the end of a quotation is not capitalized unless it is a proper noun or the first word of a new sentence.

When quoting information from another source do you put it in quotes?

Yes, when quoting information from another source, you should put it in quotation marks to indicate that it is not your original words. This is important to give credit to the original author and to avoid plagiarism.

How does quoting help clarify a response in an email?

By quoting from the original correspondence that you are responding to, it shows the originator that you have read their correspondence and are responding directly to the content of their email/letter.

Why do businesses need to reference and acknowledge digital publication?

Businesses and individuals need to cite references regardless of format; quoting or referring to a digital publication requires citation just as quoting or referring to a journal.

what are rules of quoting?

When quoting, use quotation marks to indicate the exact words of the speaker. Ensure the quote is accurate and not taken out of context. Provide proper attribution to the original source of the quote.

In a poem is the first letter in every line a capital?

I believe you mean, "Do the first letters of every line in a poem have to be capitalized?" I am also assuming you are then quoting the poem. The answer is that it depends upon the poem. If the beginning of every line in a poem is capitalized, then, yes, when you quote it you must capitalize it. If, however, the original text does not capitalize the first letter in a line then you don't. The thing you must remember to do, when quoting from a poem within your own writing, is to mark the end of each line with a /, so that it is clear where each line begins and ends. If you are quoting more than about four lines, then you probably need to indent it and replicate the poem's original layout. If you are asking because you are writing your own poetry - then you may do whatever you believe works best for your poem.