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Panget kayo lahat except me and my family!that"s the answer!

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i have no clue!!

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it reflects as before

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Q: When reflected light bounces back at the same in which it hit an object?
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What is a radiating or reflecting light?

Reflection is the change in the direction of propagation of a wave that strikes a boundary between different media through which it cannot pass. When a wave strikes such a boundary it bounces back, or is reflected, just as a ball bounces off the floor. The angle of incidence is the angle between the path of the wave and a line perpendicular to the boundary. The angle of reflection is the angle between the same line and the path of the reflected wave. All reflected waves obey the law of reflection, which states that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. The reflectivity of a material is the fraction of energy of the oncoming wave that is reflected by it.

What is the differnce between refraction and reflection?

reflection is when it is reflected; it bounces of the surface while refraction is when it is bent but not reflected

If you shine a blue light on a red object what color will the object turn?

Believe it or not, the object will appear black! Here's why. An object is red because it absorbs all wavelengths of light except red. It reflects the red back to our eyes, so that's what color we perceive. If you, then, have no other light source and shine purely blue light on a red object, the object will absorb the blue light and you won't get any light reflected at all. In other words, black.

Leaves appear green because the green protion of the light that strikes them is what?

Reflected. The other colors of the light spectrum are absorbed. In fact, this is how all 'color' works - whatever the object. A red ball, a white shirt, etc. The color you see is the color being reflected back at your eyes, while the other colors are absorbed by the object.

Is the color of transparent objects depends on the color they absorb?

transparent objects are transparent because your eyes tells you so. In reality, every body sees every colour differently as our eye cells are not the same. So, in answer to the question, yes, but you cannot see it.

Related questions

When light strikes an objects and it bounces b ack is it being refracted?

No, when light strikes an object and bounces back, it is being reflected. Refraction occurs when light passes through a medium and changes speed, causing it to bend.

Creates an image that appears behind the mirror as light bounces back and forth between the mirror and the object being reflected?

The image that appears behind the mirror is the result of multiple reflections of the object in the mirror. As light bounces back and forth between the mirror and the object, the reflected image gets dimmer with each reflection due to light absorption and dispersion. The final image appears as a faint, ghostly replica of the object being reflected.

What is it called when light bounces back from an object?

That is called reflection. When light hits a surface and bounces back, it forms an image of that object that we can see.

When light bounces back at the same in which it hit an object?

This is called specular reflection. It occurs when light rays hit a smooth surface and bounce off at the same angle at which they hit, creating a clear reflection. This phenomena is commonly observed when looking at a mirror.

When light bounces of an object what is call?

When light bounces off an object, it is called reflection.

What happens when light is reflected?

Reflections occur when light bounces of a smooth and shiny surface. Glass mirrors have a thin layer of silver on the back so that light is reflected.

What occurs when a wave strikes an object and bounces?

When a wave strikes an object and bounces off, it experiences reflection. The angle at which the wave hits the object is equal to the angle at which it bounces off, known as the law of reflection. The wave can either be absorbed by the object or reflected back, depending on the material and surface of the object.

When reflected light bounces back at the same?

When reflected light bounces back at the same angle it hits a surface, it follows the law of reflection. This law states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This phenomenon occurs with smooth surfaces like mirrors or still water.

Why A light wave travels in a straight path until it hits an object What can it do?

A light wave can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed when it hits an object. The type of interaction depends on the characteristics of the object, such as its surface, transparency, and material composition.

The Process In Which Light Is Transmitted Back When It Hits An Object?

The light has been reflected back off the object.

How does an image get to be reflected in a mirror?

When light hits an object, it bounces off and travels in all directions. Some of this light enters our eyes, allowing us to see the object. When this light hits a mirror, it reflects off the mirror's surface and back towards our eyes, creating the reflection of the image.

What controls the brightness of the color of an object?

The brightness of the color of an object is determined by the amount of light that is reflected by the object's surface. The color itself is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected, with the object appearing brighter or darker depending on how much light is reflected back to our eyes.