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of course you can!. . .

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Q: When serving can you alternate underhand and overhand when it your turn to serve in volleyball?
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How far away does the server stand from the net in volleyball?

(Indoor Volleyball) 10 normal paces away from the net for varsity, if you're serving overhand, if you are serving underhand, you must be at lease 15+ paces away from the net when serving. Changes may apply depending on your gym size.

What is the most popular serve technique in volleyball?

Most people use the overhand serving method. Usually, beginner use underhand serving.

Is it illegal to serve the volleyball underhand?

== == == == Usually not... but you can if the coach prefer you to also, it depends on how old you are. if you are still jv then it isn't as crucial that you do it overhand

Act of putting the ball in play by standing behind the back line and hitting it over the net with an overhand or underhand motion?

Serving, or service.

What are serves called in volleyball?

There are two types of serves in volleyball: Overhand and Underhand.Overhand: The overhand serve is just as it sounds, you throw the ball up in the air and then you hit it hard to make it over to the other side. This serve is for more experienced players, because it takes a little bit to get the hang of it. You also need plenty of arm muscle to make it over.Underhand: Underhand serving is when you hold the volleyball in your left or right hand (it depends on what your prominent hand is, if you're left handed you use hold the volleyball in your right hand, if right handed you use your left) then you swing it with your prominent hand.Those are the two basically popular serves in volleyball, but it also depends on what serve you prefer.

What is the basics skills in volley ball?

there are three basic skills involved: bumping (passing) setting and hitting (spiking) to be a good volleyball player you should be at least somewhat familiar with all three

What are the difference between over-hand serves and underhand serves?

AN over hand serve is when the ball is usually thrown then hit while staying above the servers head, the hand is carried back and over the head to hit the ball. AN under hand serve is when a player holds the ball out, and hits the bottom of the ball with the other hand, this motion would look like and regular underhand toss. The overhand serve is used more at the start of the high school level all the way to the professional level. An underhand serve is very beginner.

Is it ok to pull the chain when overhand serving a volleyball to increase speed and power and if not do you have any other tips for doing the same?

I'm not sure I understand this question. What chain are you referring to? Is there any chance you are mistaking tetherball for volleyball?

Service line in volleyball?

I have played Volley Ball for three years on varsity. When you serve this ball, it means that your team has possesion of the ball. you stand behind the service line and you wither do a over-hand or under-hand service. the ball goes over to the other team. they will then get a chance to pump the ball to the setter. and the setter will set the ball to one of the opposite hitters or back row attackers to get a point on the other team. . . . . . . . . . . hope this helped =)

What are the 2 methods of serving Volleyball?

Actually, there are many more than two.You can...Underhand serve (swing under the ball with a fist)Overhand serve (Contact the ball above your head with an open palm)Spike Jump Serve (Do a three step approach, jump and contact the ball in the air like an overhand serve)Slide Jump Serve (Run to the side using your three step approach, jump, turn in the air and snap your shoulders, and contact the ball like and overhand serve)There are many more, but those are the most basic (listed from most basic to least basic)Hope this helps =)

What are the 3 basic serves in volleyball?

Well I guess there are three general types of serves in volleyball,Floater (the ball doesnt really spin much, it can float across the court, common)Top Spin (the ball spins very fast forward, common)Side spin (the ball spins sideways, not very common)But there is also these three types, Jump serve (a very powerful serve, has several advantages like, power, intimidation, and getting the ball to the court faster (since your jumping the ball doesnt have to go up and across, just across))Standing overhand serve (a standard serve, you will see this most)Underhand serve (used in lower levels of volleyball, not an effective/strong serve at all, it's never used in highschool/college)

What bones do you use when serving underhand in volleyball?

The whole of the skeletal frame is used in the game. The joints in arms legs and back are the most stressed.