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Antennas go up right away. You don't describe your sex or age, or the age of this 'daddy'. But the immediate impression is that the person could be a sexual predator in the process of 'grooming' a victim. If you are a young person, let a trusted caregiver, counselor or physician know that this is happening. Do this even if the person is known to you. This does not sound like something that is part of a healthy relationship. If there is nothing wrong, then there is no harm done in telling someone. If the person has sexual motives, you will give the signal that you are not going to be victimized, and you are also giving the signal that others are on to him. You could help keep others out of harm's way. Your first objective, though, is your own safety and well being.

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Q: When someone calls themselves daddy to you what is the meaning?
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