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Q: When sound bounces back from a hard surface the result is an?
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What type of surface bounces back all of the sound waves?


What do you call a sound that bouces back to you?

An echo is a sound that bounces back to you after reflecting off a surface.

What is the reflection of sound waves?

The reflection of sound waves occurs when a sound wave hits a surface and bounces back. This can result in echoes or reverberation. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

When a sound wave bounces off a hard surface it can have 2 names?

When a sound wave bounces off a hard surface, it can be called either an echo or a reflection. Both terms refer to the phenomenon where the sound waves are reflected back towards the source.

When a wave hits a surface through which it CANNOT pass and bounces back it undergoes?

When a wave hits a surface through which it cannot pass and bounces back, it undergoes reflection. The angle at which the wave hits the surface is equal to the angle at which it bounces back, following the law of reflection.

What is it called when sound reflects off a surface?

When sound reflects off a surface, it is called an echo. This occurs when the sound wave hits a surface and bounces back towards the source, typically creating a distinct repeating effect.

What is it called when a bullet bounces back?

When a bullet bounces back after hitting a hard surface, it is called a ricochet. Ricochets can be unpredictable and dangerous, as the bullet's trajectory can change after hitting a surface.

What are echoes and how are they formed?

Echoes are reflected sound waves that result from the bouncing back of sound off a surface. When sound waves encounter a hard and smooth surface, they bounce back and can be heard as an echo. The time it takes for the sound waves to reflect back determines the distance and intensity of the echo.

When a wave hits a surface and bounces back it undergoes?


How does the acoustic guitar make sound?

You pluck a string, the string vibrates, the sound waves enter the soundhole, bounce off of the wood(different woods result in different tones)and it all bounces back out of the soundhole.Please see the related link for details.

What is it called when light bounces back from an object?

That is called reflection. When light hits a surface and bounces back, it forms an image of that object that we can see.

How does sound produce an echo?

When sound waves hit a hard surface, such as a wall or a cliff, they bounce off that surface and return back to the listener's ears. This reflection creates the sensation of hearing the sound again after a slight delay, which is known as an echo. The distance between the source of the sound and the reflective surface, as well as the distance between the surface and the listener, determines the time delay and strength of the echo.