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Q: When sources of information do people use to learn history?
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What source of information do people use to learn history?

Well, people could use a book in history class but if you are an archaeologist then you study the artifacts and get information based on those artifacts.

Importance of history and it's sources of history?

Its important to learn history because it helps us understand our future and know what to do. Sources of history try a history book or hisstory class.

Where can you get more information about Byzantine art history?

There is a Wikipedia page dedicated to educate people about Byzantine art history. It provides plenty of information for anyone who wants to learn about it.

Where can one learn about the history of queens in Jamaica?

There are many places where one can learn about the history of queens in Jamaica. One can learn about the history of queens in Jamaica at popular on the web sources such as Wikipedia and NY Courts.

Where can one learn how to forecast cash flows?

There are many sources of information that one can use to learn how to forecast cash flows. Such sources include NAB Learn, Mind Tools, YouTube, and Entrepreneur.

What do people learn from history?

They learn that history repeats itself and they learn about their heritage,culture,how society used to be and stuff like that

Why is Fibonacci not in history books?

History books often do not give information in history or they give false information. History textbooks are usually written by a committee of people with specific ideas about history and they put in "pet" history events or particualar political views. There is also the fact that history books can not tell ALL of history because of the simple fact the book would be too large. It is up to the individual or the teacher to learn about history and to learn what is right, wrong, or left out. As a history teacher I try to learn all I can about history so I can tell my students what is not in the book or what is in the book that is wrong.

How did he learn about math?

People learn about math from many different sources. The majority learn it from their parents or from their educational instructors.

What are the sources of african history?

There are several sources of African history, one of which is a griot. A griot is an oral historian that recounts the history of Africa in song, story, or poetic form. Other sources of African history include museums, archives, and libraries. One of the best sources of African history is being able to tour Africa itself and learn the rich diversity of its many peoples, if possible.

Where can one learn more about the third sector?

There are many places online that offer valuable information to people looking to learn more about the third sector. Some great sources of this type of information are sites like TSNE and the Third Sector site in the UK.

Where can one learn about rainwater harvesting?

There are many sources of information about rainwater harvesting, and many of these sources can be found on the internet. Such sources include Wikipedia and Mother Nature Network.

What does history prove again and again?

That people learn nothing from history.