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Condensate is when temperatures are near absolute zero and the process causes atoms to begin to clump. When the temperatures gets colder and colder, the atoms aren't able to move.

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3mo ago

Near absolute zero, atoms begin to clump together due to a phenomenon known as Bose-Einstein condensation, which is a state of matter where a large number of particles occupy the same quantum state. This clumping occurs because atoms lose their individual identities and behave as a single entity at such low temperatures.

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13y ago

This dearth of process is called missing energy of motion; or lack of Kinetic energy.

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Q: When temperature are near absolute zero what process causes atoms to begin to clump?
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Are atoms and molecules always in motion?

Yes, atoms and molecules are always in motion due to their kinetic energy. This motion can vary in speed and direction depending on factors such as temperature and pressure. Even at absolute zero temperature, atoms still exhibit vibrational motion.

Which term describes a measurement of the movement of atoms or molecules within an object?

Diffusion is the term that describes the movement of atoms or molecules within an object. It refers to the process by which particles spread out or move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.

How do atoms behave a a temperature of -273 degrees celsius?

At -273 degrees Celsius, also known as absolute zero, atoms would stop moving entirely and exhibit minimal energy. This temperature represents the lowest possible energy state for atoms, where they would all be at rest and have no kinetic energy.

Is that name for the point at which the temperature cannot get any colder?

The name for the point at which the temperature cannot get any colder is absolute zero. It is the lowest possible temperature where particles have minimal kinetic energy. At this point, atoms cease moving entirely, making further temperature reduction impossible.

What happens when atoms vibrate extremely slow?

When atoms vibrate extremely slowly, it indicates that the temperature is very low. At absolute zero (-273.15°C), atoms stop vibrating completely. This is because temperature is directly related to the speed of atomic vibrations.

Related questions

When temperatures near absolute zero what process causes Atoms to begin to clump?

Condensate is when temperatures are near absolute zero and the process causes atoms to begin to clump. When the temperatures gets colder and colder, the atoms aren't able to move.

When the temperature is near to absolute zero what process causes atoms to begin to clump together?

This dearth of process is called missing energy of motion; or lack of Kinetic energy. In this case the term 'super, super, super Freezing' will apply.

What is a good sentence for temperature?

Absolute Zero is the temperature at which everything - even atoms - freezes.

When temperatures are near absolute zero what causes atoms to clump?

the answer is Who cares?

When does atoms not move?

Atoms are always in motion due to their constant thermal energy. At absolute zero temperature (-273.15°C), atoms would theoretically stop moving completely, but this is an impossible temperature to achieve.

What temperature scale has a zero its lowest temperature?

The Kelvin scale has a zero at its lowest temperature, known as absolute zero. At absolute zero, atoms and molecules cease to move, resulting in zero thermal energy.

Are atoms and molecules always in motion?

Yes, atoms and molecules are always in motion due to their kinetic energy. This motion can vary in speed and direction depending on factors such as temperature and pressure. Even at absolute zero temperature, atoms still exhibit vibrational motion.

Which term describes a measurement of the movement of atoms or molecules within an object?

Diffusion is the term that describes the movement of atoms or molecules within an object. It refers to the process by which particles spread out or move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.

The splitting of atoms causes other atoms to split in this process?

It's called thermonuclear reaction.

How do you get the absolute zero temperature?

Absolute zero temperature is the lowest possible temperature, at -273.15 degrees Celsius or 0 Kelvin. It is theoretically reached by removing all thermal energy from a substance, causing its atoms to stop moving. This temperature has never been achieved in reality but can be approached in laboratory settings through techniques like laser cooling.

What are rules of incandescence?

the state of glowing while at a high temperature, caused by electrons in vibration atoms and molecules that are shaken in and out of their stable energy levels, emitting radiant energy in the process. The peak frequency of radiant energy is proportional to the absolute temperature of a heated substance

What is measure in units of degrees Celsius?

The Celsius scale is used to measure temperature. Temperature can be thought of as the "jiggling" motion of atoms. As the atoms jiggle less, the temperature drops; when the atoms stop moving the temperature cannot go any lower - this is Absolute zero which is 0 K or -273.15 °C (or -459.67 °F).