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air pressure

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Q: When the layer of the air that surrounds the earth presses down this is called?
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When the layer of air that surrounds the Earth presses down this is ?

Air pressure

The thin layer of air that surrounds Earth is called?

The thin layer of air that surrounds Earth is called the atmosphere. It is composed of various gases, predominantly nitrogen and oxygen, and plays a crucial role in regulating Earth's climate and supporting life.

What is the scientific name for the layer of gas that surrounds the earth?

The layer of gas that surrounds the Earth is called the atmosphere.

What layer of gases surrounds the earth?

The awnser is atmosphere. It surrounds the earth protecting the life on earth. Thank you for using this Awner.

When the layer of the air that sorrounds the earth presses down this is called what?

mili bars or barometic pressure

What do you called it destroys the atmosphere that surrounds the earth?

Global warming destroys the layer surrounding the Earth. The layer is called the ozone layer. Also, greenhouse gases and CFCs(chloroflorocarbons) contribute to destroying the ozone layer.

Is the ozone layer close to the earth?

I surrounds the earth

The layer that surrounds the center of the earth?

The layer that surrounds the center of the Earth is called the core. It is divided into the inner core and outer core, with the inner core being solid and made mostly of iron and nickel, while the outer core is a liquid layer also composed of iron and nickel.

Which rigid layer of the Earth surrounds the asthenosphere?

The lithosphere surrounds the asthenosphere.

What layer of the earth surrounds the core?

The mantle surrounds the outer core

What is the envelope of gas that surrounds earth?

My answer what i got is the layer of gases that surroud the earth is the atmosphere. so that's the answer to your question is the atmosphere is what surrounds the earth of layer of gases.

What is the thin layer of air that surrounds is the earth called?

I am pretty sure it is the Trophoshere.