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its volcanic islands i think

Simple answer is islands. Depending on location, answer could be Hawaiian Islands, Aleutian Islands, or any other volcanic islands.

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Q: When the mountains grew high enough to break the oceans surface they became?
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How can you compare mountains and oceans?

Oceans are deep, mountains are tall.

What forms when an underwater mountains reaches the oceans surface?

a girl comes out and becomes a mountain and then she builds her own island bye bye

What flows from rifts in the sea floor and builds up high enough to break the oceans surface?


Is there anything on the surface of Earth?

There is a huge amount on the Earths surface such as Seas and Oceans, Ice caps, Land, mountains, desert, forest, People, Animals, buildings, roads, vehicles etc.

How much water covers the oceans surface?

The oceans surface is 100% water.

Which layer is the thinnest under the oceans and the thickest in the mountains?

The Earth's crust is thinnest under the oceans and thickest in the mountains.

Which layer is the thinnest under the oceans and thickest in the mountains?

The Earth's crust is thinnest under the oceans and thickest in the mountains.

What is a type of landform?

A mountain is a type of landform characterized by its peak and sloping sides. Mountains can be formed through geological processes like tectonic plate movement or volcanic activity. They play a significant role in shaping landscapes and affecting weather patterns.

Surface materials on Earth?

Surface materials on Earth include soil, rocks, water bodies (such as oceans and lakes), vegetation (such as forests and grasslands), and human-made structures like buildings and roads. These materials collectively form the Earth's crust and provide the foundation for ecosystems and human habitation.

When did early oceans became salty?

baltic area

Which layer contains the highest mountains and deepest oceans?

The lithosphere contains the highest mountains such as the Himalayas, Andes, and Rockies, while the hydrosphere contains the deepest oceans like the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

Geography definithin fo a 4 grader?

Geography is the study of all of Earth's features, such as population, rainfall, and temperature as well as its surface features such as mountains, rivers, and oceans.