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Q: When treated for an inflammation of mastoid cells is called?
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What does opacification of mastoid air cells mean?

Opacification of the mastoid air cells means there is an infection in the nasal cavity. This is when there is a mastoid inflammation or infection and involves the mastoid air cells.

What is sclerosis left mastoid air cells?

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What is the temporal part of the bone that can be seen and felt as a prominent lump just posterior to the ear?

This part is called as mastoid process. Besides it lies a styloid process. There are air cells inside the mastoid process.

What is the term there is haziness of the left middle ear cavity and mastoid antrum with sclerosed mastoid air cells due to chronic oto-mastoiditis?

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What cells are removed during a mastoidectomy?

The cells are open spaces containing air that are located throughout the mastoid bone.

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Why is inflammation of the skin usually painful?

Skin cells are naturally a rich source of IL-1 a chemical chemotactic agent which recruits inflammation causing cells. Whenever there is any mechanical or chemical stimulus these cells release IL-1 which further causes release of TNF from surrounding inflammation causing cells . Both these acts as an alaram for skin inflammation which further brings more cells and the cycle goes on. Therefore skin inflammation ismore painfull and itchy.

What control the process of inflammation?

Mast cells

What secretions control the process of inflammation?

Mast cells

What is a simple case of mastoiditis?

In a simple case of mastoiditis some fluid escapes into the mastoid air cells during a middle ear infection.