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Using 'as' and 'like' followed by a noun (or a pronoun) is a preposition forming a prepositional phrase; for example:

The pancakes are as light as a feather. (the prepositional phase tells us something about the lightness of the pancakes)

She has dark eyes like ebony. (the prepositional phase tells us more about her eye color)

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Q: When using as plus noun and when using like plus noun?
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How does a noun help?

A noun helps when your using your creative writing or an S.E.A paper thing like that.

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Is judge a verb or a noun?

The word judge, like many English words, can be either a verb or a noun. If I say, "Don't judge me." I am using it as a verb. If I say, "The judge has ruled in my favor." I am using it as a noun.

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Example of a noun plus a noun equals a noun:four + two = six (words for numbers are nouns)

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A noun is a person place or thing so peas is a thing so it is a noun just write something about peas and you have a sentence using the word peas as a noun. Heres one "I don't like peas."

Is honey an adjective?

It can be like if you were using it in this sentence:I like the taste of the honey nuts.-In this sentence the and honey are both adjectives.Honey is most often used as a noun like in this sentence:Honey is a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers.-In this sentence honey is used as a noun.

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You append -ish, or -y to a noun in order to make a descriptive term, like using "plasticy" to describe a something.

What is a noun acting as adjectives?

You append -ish, or -y to a noun in order to make a descriptive term, like using "plasticy" to describe a something.

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It is like a doctor but someone who can help you

Is earth a singular noun?

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Can you start a sentence with the word plus?

Yes, you can start a sentence with the word plus (as a noun or adjective, not as a verb). Examples: Noun: Plus is the sign of addition. Noun: Plus is the only entry I want to see on my savings account. Adjective: Plus signs after the A were spread across the top of my math test!

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