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Candy Cantaloupes was born on March 11, 1962, in Tempe, Arizona, USA.

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Q: When was Candy Cantaloupes born?
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How tall is Candy Cantaloupes?

Candy Cantaloupes is 5' 10".

When was Candy Dulfer born?

Candy Dulfer was born on 1969-09-19.

When was Candy Crowley born?

Candy Crowley was born on December 26, 1948.

When was Candy Lo born?

Candy Lo was born on October 18, 1974.

When was Candy Lix born?

Candy Lix was born on March 11, 1971.

Related questions

How tall is Candy Cantaloupes?

Candy Cantaloupes is 5' 10".

Are cantaloupes alkaline?

Yes, cantaloupes have an alkaline-forming effect on the body due to their mineral content. They are a good source of magnesium and potassium, which contribute to the alkalinity in the body. Including cantaloupes in your diet can help promote a more alkaline environment within the body.

Are cantaloupes acidic or alkaline?

Cantaloupes have a pH of about 6.5, which makes them acidic.

Are pumpkins harder than cantaloupes?

Yes...pumpkins are much harder than cantaloupes because of their stubby stem and cantaloupes do not have a hard shell.

Do cantaloupes have seeds?

Yes cantaloupes have seeds in the center you dont eat them though.

How many cantaloupes do you need for fifteen people?

30 cantaloupes! That's so all of those people can have TWO cantaloupes! My work is done... =D

How do cantaloupes get water?

With its roots. >.<

Can cantaloupes have hair-balls?

No, cantaloupes cannot have hairballs because they are not living. I believe you should not listen to me, you should visit a doctor.

When was Candy Thomson born?

Candy Thomson was born in 1967.

When was Don Candy born?

Don Candy was born in 1929.

When was Candy Costie born?

Candy Costie was born in 1963.

When was Candy Moore born?

Candy Moore was born in 1947.