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Q: When was Erik the Red Married?
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Who was married to Erik the red the viking?

His wife's name was Thorild.

Who did Erik erikson married?

It seems that erik erikson never married

Was Erik the red in the navy or army?

Erik the Red was a viking

Who is Leif Ericssons father?

Erik the Red

Did Erik the red discover Greenland?

Erik the Red discovered Greenland

Is Erik j berg married?

erik j ber is married and has a newborn baby girl.

Is Erik spoelstra married?

No he's not married.

Did Erik the red or leif ericson get banished?

Erik the Red was banished from Iceland.

What was Leif Ecrisson's dad name?

Erik the Red.

Who were Leif Ericson's parents?

Erik the Red and Thjodhild.

What did Erik the red die from?

Erik Thorvaldsson - better known as Erik the Red- died from a disease epidemic brought to the new colony by settlers.

What route did Erik the Red take?

This is Erik the red's route. It was the best picture that I could find.