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Frank Laubach was born in 1884.

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Q: When was Frank Laubach born?
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When was Dr. Frank Laubach born?

Dr. Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884.

When was Doctor Frank Laubach born?

Doctor Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884.

What is Dr. Frank Laubach's birthday?

Dr. Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884.

When was Frank Neese born?

Frank Neese was born in 1967.

When was Frank McLynn born?

Frank McNellis was born in c. 1891.

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When was Dr. Frank Laubach born?

Dr. Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884.

When was Doctor Frank Laubach born?

Doctor Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884.

What is Doctor Frank Laubach's birthday?

Doctor Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884.

What is Dr. Frank Laubach's birthday?

Dr. Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884.

How old is Doctor Frank Laubach?

Doctor Frank Laubach was born on September 2, 1884 and died on June 11, 1970. Doctor Frank Laubach would have been 85 years old at the time of death or 130 years old today.

When did Doctor Frank Laubach die?

Doctor Frank Laubach died on June 11, 1970 at the age of 85.

How old was Doctor Frank Laubach at death?

Doctor Frank Laubach died on June 11, 1970 at the age of 85.

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When did Frank Laubach die?

Frank Laubach died on June 11, 1970. He was a missionary and literacy advocate known for developing the "Each One Teach One" literacy program.

When was Hermann zu Solms-Laubach born?

Hermann zu Solms-Laubach was born in 1842.

When was Agnes of Solms-Laubach born?

Agnes of Solms-Laubach was born on 1578-01-07.

When was Solms-Laubach created?

Solms-Laubach was created in 1696.