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Q: When was Henry Kelsey's child born?
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When was Henry Croft born?

Henry Crofts was born in 1590.

When was Henry G. Burleigh born?

Henry G. Burleigh was born in 1832.

When was Henry Mabb born?

Henry Mabb was born in 1872.

When was Henry Tufts born?

Henry Tufts was born in 1748.

When was Henry Strangways born?

Henry Strangways was born in 1832.

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What are Henry Kelseys discoveries?

He discovered the bison

What is Henry kelseys full name?

henry kelsey doo doo

What was Henry kelseys route?

Henry Kelsey went south and west of Hudson Bay and got as far as the Saskatchewan River.

Who was Henry VIII first born child?

Henry the Eighth's first born was Mary Tudor.

When was Henry kelseys death?

He died in 1724.The month and date he died on is unknown.

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Was King Henry VIII the secound child of King Henry vii?

No, he was the third child born to Henry VII and his wife, Elizabeth of York. Prince Arthur was the oldest, followed by Princess Margaret, then Henry VIII was born. Four other children were born after Henry, but only Princess Mary survived infancy.

Who was Henry VIII first child?

Henry VIII's first child that survived was Mary and she was born to him by Katherine of Aragon. Mary is known as being "Bloody" Mary because during her reign she killed so many people. Henry's actual first child died either stillborn or died a few days after being born.

Who does Dylan Edwards like?

he likes both kelseys

Who was Henry kelseys family?

I don't know much but he ended up marrying the daughter of the Cree chief. My great grandma, Thelma Kelsey (now Thelma Goff), tells me that he was her great uncle.

What is kelseys sir name in high school musical?

Kelsey Neilson

Was Henry Hudson a only child?

I think Henry Hudson was a only child