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Morocco never really got colonized by the french. Instead it became a protectorate of France. Disorder increased until Sultan of Morocco Abd al-Hafid besieged by Berber soldiers in his capital city Fes, he was forced to ask the French to rescue him. When they had done so, he had no choice but to sign the Treaty of Fez (March 30, 1912), by which Morocco became a French protectorate. In return, the French guaranteed that the status of the sultan and his successors would be maintained. So Morocco became a protectorate of France in 1912.

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Q: When was Morocco colonized by France?
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What country colonized Morocco?

Spain and France both colonize Morocco. Spain colonized Morocco in the north, the south, and Western Sahara (which Morocco currently controls). France colonized Morocco's central region where the overwhelming majority of Morocco's population lives.

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When did the French colonize Morocco?

France colonized Morocco sometime in the 19th century, and gave it its independence in 1956. Hope that helped! :)

Why was Morocco colonized?

Because of their good water sources on the coast. No. Morocco was colonized because of its critical position on the Straits of Gibraltar and because of its proximity to Algeria, which was part of France in the early 1900s. The fact that Morocco has plentiful fishing grounds off the coast was not tantalizing to either France or Spain, which have direct access to much the same fishes anyway.

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Though France, Germany and England all had colonized parts of Africa Morocco remained independent. However in 1911 Morocco fell into political instability. Both France and Germany wanted the country and were enraged that the other was going to break the treaty they had with Morocco and colonize it.

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Does Morocco border France?

No, Morocco doesn't share a border with France. France is in Europe and Morocco is on the African continent

Distance between France and Morocco?

The distance between Morocco and Frace, or France and Morocco is 1,036 miles.