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Briefly, although Shakespeare was writing plays for the theatre and acting in them for some time prior to 1593, at the end of that year he came to the attention of the Earl of Southampton who became his patron, thus furthering his career. There is written evidence that in 1593/94, Shakespeare and his co-actors (known as the "Lord Chamberlain's Men") performed two plays before the Queen, Elizabeth I. The rest is history !

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Q: When was Shakespeare popular?
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What kind of friendship was popular theme for shakespeare plays?

The kind of friendship that was a popular theme for Shakespeare's plays was romantic friendship.

What is Shakespeare's most popular story?


Was fencing popular in Shakespeare's time?


Were Shakespeare's ideas accepted immidiatly?

Shakespeare was not known for his ideas. He was known for his plays, which were indeed immediately popular.

Why did people think that Shakespeare's plays were popular?

because they were.

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The kind of friendship that was a popular theme for Shakespeare's plays was romantic friendship.

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William Shakespeare is a popular poet, who wrote plays and poetry. Shakespeare's works were often written in an iambic pentameter.

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Many of Shakespeare's plays have been popular from the moment they premiered.

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Shakespeare's plays were very popular with men and women.

Were Shakespeare's ideas accepted immidiatly?

Shakespeare was not known for his ideas. He was known for his plays, which were indeed immediately popular.

Is romeo and Juliet Shakespeare's most popular play.. and if it is why?

No it is not

Why did people think that Shakespeare's plays were popular?

because they were.

Why did Shakespeare write tragedy?

cause he felt like it!