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The Auctioneer was created in 1956.

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When was Edsel Auctioneer created?

Edsel Auctioneer was created in 1988.

What is a sentence for auctioneer?

The auctioneer must speak quickly and clearly.

When did Edsel Auctioneer end?

Edsel Auctioneer ended in 1995.

When did James Christie - auctioneer - die?

James Christie - auctioneer - died in 1803.

Do you have to be a certified auctioneer to bid on unclaimed storage units in Canada?

You don't have to be an licensed auctioneer to bid, but you have to be an auctioneer to call bids.

Would an auctioneer in the US be legally responsible if someone is injured at the auction if the auctioneer does NOT own the property?

No, the auctioneer would not be legally responsible if someone got hurt at an auction. The auctioneer is only an employee.

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What is the future tense of auctioneer?

The future tense of the verb 'auctioneer' is 'will auctioneer'. However, bear in mind that the word 'auctioneer' is almost always used as a noun (though it can legitimately be used as a verb) and that nouns do not have tenses.

Can an auctioneer refuse to do an auction for you after they ask what kind of stuff you have to sell?

Do you have a signed contract with the auctioneer? If you do, does it state that the auctioneer reserves the right to refuse service? If you do not have a contract, then the auctioneer is free to decide wether or not they want to auction your items.

What is the term for the earnings an auctioneer makes?

The term for the earnings an auctioneer makes is wages.

How old is James Lewis auctioneer?

James Lewis the auctioneer was born in 1972.

What qualifications do you need to be an auctioneer?

what qualifications do you need to be a general household and affects auctioneer