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The Mary-Sue Extrusion was created in 1999.

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Q: When was The Mary-Sue Extrusion created?
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When was The Lepore Extrusion created?

The Lepore Extrusion was created on 2006-10-17.

What tells geologists how extrusion forms?

I am learning about this in my Science class, and when a geologist looks at an extrusion, they know it's an extrusion because it is Igneous rock, and an extrusion helps tell the reletive ages of the layers around it.

What has the author Kurt Laue written?

Kurt Laue has written: 'Strangpressen' -- subject(s): Extrusion, Metals 'Extrusion' -- subject(s): Extrusion, Metals

How do you spell extrusion?

That is the correct spelling of "extrusion" (forming by pressing through a die or opening).

Would a lava flow be considered an extrusion?

Yes, a lava flow is a type of volcanic extrusion where molten rock, or magma, reaches the Earth's surface and flows out as lava. This can result in the formation of volcanic landforms such as lava fields, lava plateaus, and lava domes.

Which is the important mechanical property of the material for extrusion purpose?

plasticity in the important mechanical property for the extrusion purpose.

What do an intrusion and an extrusion tell us about the rock layers?

(Intrusion) You can learn how old the rock layers are around it. the rock layers around under and all around the intrusion are always older than the intrusion itself. (EXTRUSION) the layers of rock bellow the extrusion is older than the extrusion.

What is the definition for the term 'thermoplastic extrusion'?

Wikipedia has an whole article on the topic thermoplastic extrusion. Thermoplastic extrusion is a high volume manufacturing process in which raw plastic material is melted and formed into a continuous profile.

What clues tell geologist how extrusions form?

I am learning about this in my Science class, and when a geologist looks at an extrusion, they know it's an extrusion because it is Igneous rock, and an extrusion helps tell the reletive ages of the layers around it.

What clues tells geologists how extrusions are formed?

Geologists look at the texture of the rock, presence of gas bubbles, and the way the rock interacts with surrounding layers to determine how extrusions are formed. The angle of the volcano where the rock is found and the composition of the rock itself can also provide clues to its origin. Additionally, the presence of lava flows and other volcanic features in the surrounding area can help geologists understand the context in which the extrusion was formed.

What is an example of extrusion?

just dont do it

What is extrusion relating to rocks?
