

When was Tidal Moon created?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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Tidal Moon was created in 1938-12.

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What does tidal bulge means?

it means a tidal that bulges when the moon is a full moon.

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When do the tidal bulges created by the moon and sun line up and increase tidal range?

Twice a month. When the moon is directly opposite the sun and when it is in line with the sun in relation to the earth. These are called spring tides.

What starts a tidal wave?

The tidal wave starts by the moon

If the moon were covered with water tidal effects by Earth would find the moon with?

two tidal bulges

What produces tidal range?

the combined forces of the sun and the moon on Earth produces tidal ranges.

Can a tidal turbine produce power on no moon day?

Yes, even if you cannot see the moon, it is still having tidal effect AND the sun also creates a tidal effect, weaker than the moon, but still there.

Does the moon also pull on earth?

Yes. The effect of this is seen on tidal water. Tidal water is a "wave" following the moon around the earth as the moon moves.

Which celestial body has a greater effect on tidal forces on earth?

The primary source of tidal effects on Earth is the Moon, and the Sun is #2.

What is a tidal?

The tide is controlled by the moon

Does Earth produce a tidal effect on the Moon?

Yes. Think in terms of Newton's second law. Earth does produce a tidal effect on the Moon.

Why is the moon responsible for predicting tidal movements in the earths oceans?

The moon doesn't predict anything, but scientists do and the gravitational pull of the moon , sun, and the earth determines tidal movements.