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The Shadow of the Thin Man (1945). There is a scene with his dog Asta when he gets off a merry-go-round.


Sorry, that is not the first use of slow motion by a long shot. The Russian director, Vsveolod Pudovkin used it extensively in the 1920s. There are probably earlier examples.

It is also used in parts of one of the most celebrated films ever made, Battleship Potemkin by Sergei Eisenstein (1925). He uses conflict between fast and slow motion, including in the renowned stair sequence.

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13y ago

dziga vertov was the first i believe. check for the man with a movie camera

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1st get your clip. Then go to Video effects (which is in the task bar) Then if u scroll through the effects you should see the slow down half button. Drag it to your clip and then you've used slow motion

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Do yo mean Parachute a device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag,