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It's hard to give an exact time. But when firearms became the main hunters tool. Needless to say depending on area and culture this would varry a great deal.

But even when bows where the commonly used hunting tool there still was sport hunting.

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In prehstoric times. Prehistoric means before any historical records were created- therefore, impossible to answer.

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Who invented hunting?

Nobody invented hunted.... To be more specific, the early cave men, or Cavemen, can be said to invent hunting. Speaking that they were the first people to hunt, and did so off of there instinct to survive. Back then it was a fight for food and survival, in the modern world many people hunt as a sport and rarely eat their kill. Hunting is also what saved many civilizations. Your question is also like asking "Who invented religion?" The answer is no one did. It has been around as long as man has existed and will continue until man is no more.

Why did they invent hunting?

hunting was invented as a means of getting food

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There is evidence of hunting as far back as two million years ago.

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