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the dude Ben whatever invented this thingy. Its called a kite I think. It was invented in 2003. Close anough. tuh end

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Q: When was the kite officially invented?
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I invented the kite.

Who is the person who invented the kite?

The kite was invented in China some 1,500 years ago. The Chinese name Mozi and Lu Ban as the inventors.

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He invented the first kite

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Benjamin Franklin, in his kite experiment.

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How was a kite invented?

it was sewed by people who used them

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Did the Wright brothers invent the kite?

No, the kite was invented hundreds of years before the Wright brothers.

Who made first kite?

The kite comes to us from the Chinese. They were flying them some 2800 years ago. The Kite was invented in china by Lua ben

Where was the kite invented?

The kite was invented in China over 2,000 years ago. It was used for various purposes such as military signaling, measuring distances, and even as a form of entertainment.

Ben franklins famous kite experiment?

The kite was invented by the Chinese; Ben Franklin used the kite instead of using conductive rods to avoid danger. Ben strung up a key to the kite and the string used on the kite is kept dry to act as an insulator so that Ben will be less electrocuted while standing on the ground.

Who created the kite?

No one knows exactly how or who invented the first kite. It is thought that the earliest use of kiteswas among the Chinese.