

When was the last mini ice age?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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8y ago

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Most scientists believe that the most recent Ice Age ended in 10,000 B.C. There are a few modern scientists that belief we are currently seeing the end of the last Ice Age. Their argument is based on the fact that glaciers still exist in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Since, there is evidence the Antarctic was once green and is now a glacier covered wasteland, that the earth's current warming trend is part of this global recovery. {See creation science websites for more details on this new theory.}


It's likely we are still in the Ice Age: the date above, which should be BP for geological references, not BC (that's for history) being that of the nominal end of the last glaciation.

An Ice Age is a sequence lasting a few million years of cool and warm phases, and we are presently in a warm phase which may have a way to go before it starts to reverse to a glacial phase. The Earth's climate overall is still significantly cooler, with consequent lower sea-level, than it has been for much of geological time.

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11y ago
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13y ago

There are many ice ages. The last glaciations are

NamePeriod (Ma)PeriodEra


2.58 - present




360 - 260

Carboniferous and Permian



450 - 420

Ordovician and Silurian



(or Sturtian-Varangian)

800 - 635




2400 - 2100

Siderian and Rhyacian


We now are still living with glaciations

Hope it can help you xdd

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15y ago

The last major one was around 260,000 years ago. It is recorded as having the coldest temperature during the ice age period which was roughly 400,000 years.

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10y ago

About 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene Epoch. Technically we're still in it, we're simply in an interglacial period.

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11y ago

A.d. 1900

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Was there a mass extinction during the last ice age?

Many geologists consider what you call the "last ice age" to be the last glacial of the present Ice Age, with the ice retreat starting only about 10-12ka. There was no mass extinction. A good many species did migrate or disappear altogther as the ice retreated, but in no way was it a mass extinction.

What year was the last ice age?

The last ice age, known as the Last Glacial Maximum, occurred approximately 20,000 years ago and lasted until around 11,700 years ago. This period was characterized by colder temperatures and extensive ice sheets covering much of the northern hemisphere.

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During the last ice age, much of North America was covered in thick sheets of ice.

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Ice ages last for some tens of millions of years with intervals of about 150 million years between them. The term is used more loosely to identify the last time that ice sheets covered much of Europe and North America.I think the ice age lasted until it melted!the iceage took about 100.000 years.

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