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Lou Altenwerth

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2y ago
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13y ago

The idea for public education came from the Catholic missionaries to the colonies. They would teach the children for free.

The Land Ordinance of 1785 established a mechanism for funding public education in the United States. Until at least the 1840s, however, most schools continued to be privately owned and operated.

Coeducation and the emergence of modern high schools; the expansion of compulsory education. The growth of extracurricular activities (1890s-1950s). The principle of equalization becomes a standard to achieve.

The United States Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education was a hallmark in education. It forced previously segregated schools to integrate, and led to the rise of desegregation busing across the country.

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13y ago

Newburgh Free Academy was established in 1796 and the first teacher hired (in 1799) was Samuel Nicholson - he was the only teacher for the first 8 years.

Also interesting is that this was the 8th public school in the United States.

Hope this info helps!

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10y ago

Public school was introduced to New York State in 1805. Wealthy businessmen formed the New York Public School Society to educate poor children. There was one master for hundreds of children. The class was taught in one room, with the older students passing down rote lessons to the younger children.

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9y ago

As with all areas of the United States when an area reached a population of a territory schools needed to be established. This had been the law since 1635. Kentucky schools were firmly established by 1770

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11y ago

Louisiana established its very first public school in 1808 and they added as the years went on. Thank you for asking us!!!

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12y ago

Well I don't know when they were established but I do know that it was established by some Italian dude.

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