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condensation, where water vapor in the air comes into contact with the cold glass surface and changes from a gas to a liquid.

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Q: When water droplets appear on the outside of cold glass that is an example of?
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What is it called when water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass?

It is called condensation. This occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cold surface, such as a glass of cold water, causing the air to lose its ability to hold moisture and resulting in water droplets forming on the surface.

What is the name of the process that causes droplets to form on the outside of the glass?

Condensation is the process that causes droplets to form on the outside of a glass. This occurs when warm air comes into contact with a cold surface, causing the air to cool and release moisture in the form of droplets.

When water droplets appears outside of a cold glass of iced tea this is an example of?

condensation, which occurs when warm air comes into contact with a cold surface, causing the air to cool and release moisture in the form of water droplets.

Why do water droplets from outside of a glass of water?

Water droplets form on the outside of a glass of cold water when warm, humid air comes into contact with the cold surface of the glass, causing the air to cool and reach its dew point. This leads to condensation of water vapor in the air, forming droplets on the outside of the glass.

What is happening when water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of water?

Water droplets form on the outside of a cold glass of water due to condensation. Air around the glass is cooled by the cold surface, causing the water vapor in the air to condense into liquid water droplets on the glass. This process occurs because the glass is colder than the dew point temperature of the surrounding air.

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When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea the is an example of?


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When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea this is an example of .?

Condensation occurs when water vapor in the air comes into contact with a cold surface, such as a glass of iced tea, causing it to condense into liquid water droplets on the outside of the glass.

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When water droplets on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea this is an example of?


What do the water droplets on a glass indicate about the temperatures inside and outside the terrarium?

Water droplets on a terrarium glass indicate that the inside temperature is warmer and more humid than the outside. This condensation occurs when warm, moist air inside the terrarium comes into contact with the cooler glass surface.

Where do the droplets of water outside the glass came from?

The droplets of water outside the glass likely came from condensation. When warm air comes into contact with a colder surface, such as the glass, the air cools down and can no longer hold as much moisture. This excess moisture then forms droplets on the cooler surface, which is the condensation you see on the outside of the glass.

What process is responsible for the droplets on the outside of a glass?

Condensation is the process responsible for the droplets on the outside of a glass. It occurs when moist air comes into contact with a cooler surface, causing the air to release its moisture in the form of water droplets.

What is it called when water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass?

It is called condensation. This occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cold surface, such as a glass of cold water, causing the air to lose its ability to hold moisture and resulting in water droplets forming on the surface.

What are the water droplets outside of a glass is?

The water droplets outside of a glass are formed due to condensation. When warm, moist air comes into contact with the cool surface of the glass, the air is cooled down, causing the moisture in the air to condense and form droplets on the outside of the glass.