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It indicates that the temperature does not change during the phase change from liquid to gas until the change is complete. During the phase change, the heat energy added to the water goes into breaking hydrogen bonds between water molecules, so it does not cause an increase in temperature during that time.

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The plateau indicates that the water is undergoing a phase change from liquid to gas, known as boiling. During this phase change, the energy absorbed is used to break intermolecular bonds rather than increase the temperature. This results in the temperature remaining constant until all the liquid has been converted to gas.

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The plateau indicates that during the transition from liquid to gas, the temperature stays the same.

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Q: When water is heated the temp reaches a constant value and forms a plateau on the graph what does the plateau indicate?
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When water is heated the temperature eventually reaches a plateau what does the plateau indicate?

The plateau indicates that the water has reached its boiling point, where the temperature remains constant as the water undergoes a phase change from liquid to gas. Additional energy input is needed to facilitate this phase change rather than increasing the temperature.

What change will show in a graph in temp of an substance a s it is heated will show what?

As a substance is heated, its temperature will increase in a linear manner until it reaches its melting or boiling point, at which point the temperature will remain constant as the substance changes phase. This will appear as a straight line with a plateau on a temperature vs. time graph.

What happens to ice nd magnesium when heated?

When ice is heated, it melts into water and eventually evaporates into steam as it reaches its boiling point. When magnesium is heated, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide and emits a bright white light.

Is liquid expand when heated?

Yes, most liquids expand when heated because the heat causes the molecules within the liquid to move faster and spread out, increasing the overall volume. However, there are exceptions such as water, which expands when heated until it reaches a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius, at which point it begins to contract.

What are the signs that a liquid has reached its boiling point?

Some signs that a liquid has reached its boiling point include the appearance of bubbles rising to the surface of the liquid, the liquid vigorously boiling and producing steam, and a temperature plateau where the liquid remains at a constant temperature despite continued heating.

Related questions

When water is heated the temperature eventually reaches a constant value and forms a plateau on the graph what does the plateau indicate?

The plateau on the graph indicates that the water has reached its boiling point. During this phase, the temperature remains constant because the heat energy supplied is being used to convert the liquid water into water vapor, rather than increasing the temperature.

When water is heated the temperature eventually reaches a plateau what does the plateau indicate?

The plateau indicates that the water has reached its boiling point, where the temperature remains constant as the water undergoes a phase change from liquid to gas. Additional energy input is needed to facilitate this phase change rather than increasing the temperature.

What is a gas that expands when heated?

Any gas will expand when heated, assuming you keep pressure constant.

What does water do as it is heated?

it will boil once it reaches 100 degrees Celsius

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because of its high elevation.

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What happens to the pressure of gas when it is heated at a constant heat?

The pressure is higher.

What happens to the entropy of gas as it is heated?

As a gas is heated, its entropy generally increases. This is because the increased molecular motion and disorder associated with higher temperatures lead to a greater number of microstates available to the system, resulting in higher entropy.

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Why does heating a liquid make it rise?

Heated liquid rises because it reaches the boiling point.

Why Do Gasses Have Two Specific Heats?

One is for constant pressure, the other is for constant volume. These are not the same; for example, if the pressure is maintained constant, and the gas is heated, the volume changes.

What will happen to air if it is heated along a slope element?

Generally, if air is heated, its temperature will increase. And if the pressure remains constant, its density will decrease.