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They were invented back in 1894 by James Henry

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Q: When were animal traps invented?
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Related questions

What animal sets traps?

Humans are the only animals who set traps

Who invented bear traps?

Nobuhiro Kitagawa and Sigeru Gotsugi.

Did the fur trade have big traps or small traps?

a variety for the different types of animal. big ones would catch bears while small ones would be used on rodents.

What is the difference between a Venus Flytrap and an animal that traps insects?

The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant and not an animal.

What animal or plant prefers animals for food?

Venus fly traps

Did the MAYA follow animal herds?

yes they did they follled traps and things and dick

What was the key to Oneida's financial success?

The manufacture of steel animal traps and silverware

When was the game animal jam invented?

it was invented in 2005 i dont know who but yeah i hope i help you

What stores sells live animal traps?

what store sell to catch a hamster trap

How can you humanely catch raccoons sneaking into an attic roof?

Yes. There are several animal traps out there that you can lure the animal into and it is merely stuck in there. **their are many different traps available. Their are mesh cages used to catch anything from cats to raccoons. baited traps or even snares the important thing is to do your homework so as not to hurt the animal, but get it out of your home. Pest control could also come out to retrieve the animal(s), though I couldn't say how much it would cost when compared.

Where can someone purchase bird traps?

Bird traps are a highly specialized product that can be bought at several online retailers. For example Moudry Traps or Animal-Traps sell these. There are also a lot of instructions available on the internet on how to make your own traps.

Who invented gerbils?

Gerbils are an animal and can not be "invented".