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The Roman numeral system was created by the Etruscans who once had a powerful influence over the ancient Romans.

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Q: When where roman numbers invented?
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What were Roman numerals invented for?

Roman numerals were invented because in the roman times they did not have numbers so these were their numbers

Who invented Roman numbers?

The Romans maybe?

Why were roman numbers invented?

Because the Romans wanted to count? (Besides, they did not know about the vastly superior Hindu numbers.)

Who invented the Roman numbers?

The history of Roman numerals is not well documented and written accounts are contradictory. It is likely that counting began on the fingers and that is why we count in tens

4 When were Roman numerals replaced by the Arabic number system?

the arabic numbers were invented in the 10th centuary and replaced roman numerals in the 14th centuary

Why were roman numerals invented?

Necessity is the mother of all inventions and Roman numerals were needed in the past just for the same reasons that we still need numbers today.

How were the roman numerals invented?

The Roman Numerals were invented by the Romans because they did not have numbers in their days like we do now. So... they made values for the letter of Roman Numerals. Example: M= 1,000 D= 500 C= 100 L= 50 X= 10 V= 5 I= 1

Who invented Roman numerals and why?

The Romans invented Roman Numerals.

Did the Romans invent numbers?

The Romans invented a method for writing numbers but so did other cultures. The Indians developed a numbering system that included the zero. There was no zero in the Roman system.

When did the Roman invented the Roman spear?

The roman military

Who invented the Roman siege tower?

it was invented by a roman called galeo dart

Who invented directed numbers?

the Chinese invented directed numbers:)