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Q: When whole groups make sinful choices it is called?
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When do choices made in the persuit of self- interest also promote the social interest?

When the choices that were originally made to benefit oneself as a result benefits society as a whole. For example, if you purchase an apple to satisfy your hunger, you are also paying that 13% tax which "in the ideal world" goes to help the society as a whole.

What is the difference between global economy and international economy?

There is no functional difference; they are the same thing, though they may be applied to differentiate between economic activity between certain groups of states and the world as a whole.

What is Economic society?

The whole society that spend money and earn money for their spesific purposes is called economic society.

Why is the study of economics important even for the people who are not going to be business owners or investors?

I wouldn't say that the study of economics is very important for business owners or investors. Probably business and finance would be best for them. economics is a social science that studies the way people make choices given limited resources, its value comes in being able to explain the world we see around us and is a course of study that is broad in nature and scope. Economics as a discipline is itself young compared to other social sciences, so there is a great deal of debate on theories and hypotheses. Economics attempts to explain the choices that people make on a day to day basis on what to buy, how much to buy, what to produce, what to save or invest, how much to work, etc. These choices that we each make have an impact on the economy as a whole and our choices are aggregated, or added together to create a sketch of how well off we are doing and in a sense, who we are.

What term matches this description the government makes all of the decisions and consumer choices are given little attention?

A government that makes all of the decisions and consumer choices are given little attention is an authoritarian government. Communism is just one type of authoritarian government. This is a characteristic of communism, as opposed to capitalism. The drawback to the communist system of government, as usually applied, is that the consumer is subject to the decisions of the government, and therefore to the needs of the populace as a whole. This does not give the individual much control over the type of goods that he is provided. This is more precisely a command economy, which used to be practiced as "communism" in the Soviet Union.

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It appears that the process of accurately copying the entire question caused such fatigue that you forgot to include the choices.

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It is called a discrete variable because it represent an integer (whole number, counting number), which comes from a subset of all numbers. Except statistically, people have to be added to groups in "whole" people.

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a what is defined as an organized group of related objects or components that interact to create a whole ?

Can you split 23 into equal groups?

Well, it depends on how many groups. It can't be split into whole groups because it is a prime number. But it can be split into 2 groups wit 11.5 in each Hope this helped =)

What is the haploid called in plants?

The haploid in plants is when there is only one set of chromosomes. There are whole groups of animals that are haploid. These animals include bees, wasps, and ants.

When do choices made in the persuit of self- interest also promote the social interest?

When the choices that were originally made to benefit oneself as a result benefits society as a whole. For example, if you purchase an apple to satisfy your hunger, you are also paying that 13% tax which "in the ideal world" goes to help the society as a whole.