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Simmental bull calves will reach puberty when they get to be around 10 months of age, and are commonly used for breeding when they are past 12 months old.

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Q: When will a simmental bull calf be fertile?
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What is the minimum number of cows needed in the Dairy Farm in order to get a calf in Farmville?

I'm trying to get a Simmental Calf in one of my Dairy Farms by having a Bull & 1 Simmental Cow in them, Total of 2 cows. But I'm not getting any Simmental Calfs when I Harvest the Dairy Farm. Is there a minimum number of cows I need to have in the Dairy Farm to produce a Calf? Any Advice. Please help.

What are the names of a male simmental cow?

A "male cow" is called a bull if it's intact (has testicles) or a steer if it has been castrated. A "male simmental cow" is simply called a Simmental bull or Simmental steer if either of the above physiological characteristics are present or not.

How do you get a black calf with a white face?

You can either buy one--off a local producer who sells such calves or from your local salebarn--or you can get one yourself by breeding an Angus cow with a Hereford bull (or a Hereford cow with an Angus bull). Even breeding a modern-type Simmental cow with an Angus bull (or vice versa) will get you a black-baldy calf.

What is the name of a bull calf?

A bull calf.

What is the opposite word bull-calf?


How much does a steer weigh at birth?

A steer is not born as a steer because a steer is a castrated bull-calf. In other words, a bull calf is born then castrated (or "steered") a few days or months after birth, or right at weaning, depending on the producer. A bull-calf's birth weight depends on its breeding. He can be as small as 30 lbs (miniature cattle) or as large as over 100 lbs (larger breeds like Chianina, Simmental, or Charolais).

Are bovine male and female twins fertile?

Bull calves are always fertile in this twinning, but 9 times out of 10 the heifer calf isn't. She turns out to be what is called a Freemartin or a Hermaphrodite.

Is there a simatall bull?

Yes, but it's spelled "Simmental" not "simatall."

How is a male calf called?

Bull calf if intact; steer calf if castrated.

Can a black cow and a bull have a white calf?

No. Black is a dominant colour, no matter what colour the bull is. If the bull is white, the calf will be grey. If a bull is black, the calf will be black; if a bull is a blue roan, the calf will be most likely a darker roan or even black; if a bull is red or brown, the calf will be black; if a bull is yellow or orange the calf will be either grey or black.

Change calf to bull?


How do you change the word calf to the word bull?

To change the word "calf" to "bull," simply add the letter "b" at the beginning of the word "calf" to form "bcalf," which can then be rearranged to become "bull."