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Such a thing is impossible to predict. A tornado warning itself is a prediction that the threat of a tornado is imminent. As soon as signs indicate that a tornado warning is warranted, then one is issued. So there is no way of nowing when a tornado warning is going to be issued until it actually happens.

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Q: When will the next tornado warning be?
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If the national weather service puts out a tornado warning when is a tornado likely to strike?

A tornado warning means that a tornado has already been spotted or is likely to form in the next few minutes. The tornado may be only minutes away from your location, so if a tornado warning is issued, take cover immediately.

How close does a tornado have to be to issue a warning?

A tornado warning is when someone has seen a funnel cloud or when a tornado touchdown has been reported. A tornado warning is in play for the people near, or remotely near, or even right next to the tornadic activity area. I agree, but when they give out a warning, it is most likely they'll do it by county.

What is a tornado watch and a tornado warning?

A tornado watch is a watch that is watching out for tornadoes. A tornado warning is a warning That lets you know that a tornado is spotted.

When a tornado is spotted what is the warning that is put out?

A tornado watch is given out if general weather conditions favor the formation of tornadoes over the next few hours. A PDS (Particularly Dangerous Situation) tornado watch may be issued if conditions favor the formation of strong to violent tornadoes. A tornado watch usually covers an area at least the size of a state. A tornado warning is issued if a tornado has been spotted or detected or the threat of one is imminent. A tornado emergency is an informal variety of tornado warning meaning that a large tornado is approaching a populated area and is expected to cause major damage. A tornado warning usually covers an area about the size of a county.

A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form?

Partially. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or already has formed.

Is A tornado warning a warning that tornadoes are expected?

Sort of. A tornado warning means that either a tornado has already formed or may form very soon.

What has the potential of producing a tornado with little or no advanced tornado warning?

Severe thunderstorms have the potential of producing a tornado with little or no advanced tornado warning.

Is it true that a tornado warning means that a tornado might form?

No. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or has already been spotted.

Is this sentence in passive voice or active voice The tornado warning scared you?

"The tornado warning scared you." is active voice. "You were scared by the tornado warning." is passive voice.

If a tornado is spotted what will be issued?

Tornado warning

What is higher alert tornado warning or watch?

A tornado warning is a higher level of alert, often meaning that a tornado has formed.

What does it mean when meteorologists issue a tornado warning?

When a tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted or detected or if a thunderstorm may produce a tornado at any moment.