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A hacking group calling themselves the Anonymous have hacked the osn network. Hopefully it will be back on by tonight or Sunday afternoon. While the reason for the hack is unknown (to my knowledge and I've been monitoring the situation from minute one)the only reasons I can think of:

1. stupid reason but it is one, getting all trophies.

2. being a**holes and just messing with everyone.

3. testing to see it they are good enough for something bigger

4. hopefully not this and this doesn't qualify for everyone, Some people out money in their PlayStation Store wallet through credit card and they might have been after numbers.

But the hacker story may not be true meaning if you don't believe that there are also stories saying that update 3.60 kills ps3's so the network was shut down.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The PlayStation network has been shutdown since April 20 2011. They are working round the clock rebuilding and strengthening the system and should have it back up within a week, Early May 2011 they will begin the procedure to restore services regionally. The related question will have the latest information that has been provided and will be updated as new information becomes available.

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12y ago

it will work in may 20

It's nothing but his guess for an answer. The related link is the latest PlayStation announcement and while they say they are testing the system they do not say when it will be up

It should start working again May 31 but they also said it would be up twice before so idk if i would trust them

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13y ago

I know you want an actual date for the answer. Only Sony will be able to say when the system is up and they have only said what is written below or available at the related links messages of May 10 and May 7 and the related question. Any other answer is not from them and is a Guess, Prank, or earlier estimate

The PlayStation network has been shutdown since April 20 2011 after they learned they learned of a network intrusion. Information on the actual Intrusion is limited by security considerations and criminal procedures. Latest Sony post under related link of May 7 said the planned procedure to restore services regionally first week of May 2011 has been delayed while it is being tested and the May 10 message said that they were unable to provide an exact date and would be at least a few more days. There also was several messages about starting a program to provide customer bonuses. The posts at the related link will have the latest and best information that has been provided directly by Sony and is the only source for new information available. A number of Sony's earlier posts can be found in links under the related question

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12y ago

The PlayStation®Network will be offline for maintenance on Sunday, March 04, 12:00 PM - 02:00 AM PST.

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13y ago

Speculations claims to state that PSN will be back up after a external intrusion of the system by May 31, 2011.

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