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Q: When you admit your sins to the priest?
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What is it called when you admit your sins to a priest?

When you admit your sins to a priest it is called a confession. Some say it is better to confess your sins to a higher power so that it is only between you and them.

What is the Reconcilliaton Room?

The Reconciliation room is where you go when you want to admit all of your sins and ask God's forgiveness. Usually there is a separation between you and the priest so that the priest doesn't see you. A priest directs the session.

Do Catholics confess their sins to a priest?

Yes, but technically, we confess our sins to God through the priest.

What will wash your sins way?

Discern whether or not you're truly sorry. If you are. Go to a priest and give him your confession. Your sins will be absolved (by God) through the priest. Then you can start fresh. The previous sins will be forgotten.

Who do you need to tell your sins to in a Roman Catholic ritual of confession?

In the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession, you confess your sins to a priest.

What is the name for telling your sins to the priest in reconciliation?


How do you get saved and go to heaven?

You will have to admit that Jesus died for you on the cross for your sins.

Are the forgiven sins still accountable?

Sins that are confessed to a priest and proper penance was observed, such sins are forgiven and not accountable and need not be confessed again.

Is it a must for a Christian to admit their sins to the priest to repent?

for anyone catholic, yes it is. It's actually one of the sacraments in the Catholic faith. For anyone who isn't either Catholic or a member of some Orthodox church, it isn't. Most protestant beliefs feel that when you pray to God for forgiveness, your sins are forgiven. It depends of what church you're a member of.

Why is it important to confess your sins to a priest?

One does not confess sins to a priest but through a priest. The priest acts as Christ's agent and you are actually confessing to Christ himself. When Jesus said to his disciples "who's sins you shall forgive they are forgiven, who's sins you shall retain they are retained" he instituted the sacrament of reconciliation (confession), the authority to do this has been passed down through the apostolic Catholic priesthood for 2,000 years to the present day. By not confessing through a priest you will not be receiving sanctifying grace from God..Catholic AnswerIt is important to confess your sins to a priest in the sacrament of confession because this is how God set it up for you to be absolved from your sins and to receive sanctifying grace in order to sin no more. In other words, we do it because God told us to.

What is it called when the priest forgives your sins?

redemption, grace, mercy, salvation...

How was Reconciliation?

In the sacrament of Reconciliation, all the sins that you have confessed and didpenance for is 100% forgiven but you might still have to face the consequences. Reconciliation can be quite scary and nerve racking for some people especially if they have done very serious sins. But rest assured, the priest cannot tell anybody your sins or they have sinned and will be excommunicated (Stripped of their status of being a clergyman). They also normally forget your sins afterwards anyways. If you feel scared of going to confession, try going to confession in a another church or with another priest who doesn't know you so well. Remember, you aren't confessing your sins to the priest, you are confessing your sins to God, the priest doesn't forgive your sins, God does.