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Add up all of the numbers, and divide it by how many numbers there are.

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Q: When you are doing the mean how do you know what number to divide it by?
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What does a divide then a minus mean?

to divide then a negative number!

Do you divide your mean by 4 or 2?

You divide by the number of numbers - if you want the mean of three numbers you divide by 3, if you want the mean of a hundred numbers you divide by 100.

Does of what number mean divide or multiply?

every number does that

How do you divide a whole number by a persentige?

Sorry we do not know what you mean by "persentige". But if you mean "percentage", You divide the whole number by the decimal form of the percentage (i.e. 35% is .35) and then move the decimal to the right 2 places(or multiply by 100, same thing).

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if there is a letter (example n, z ) instead of a number in algebra it stands in place of that number. this means if you are doing multiplication you are going to divide the numbers to get the answer for your letter . if you are doing division you do it the other way around! easy

How do you find out 1 fifth of a number?

Divide that number by 5 or Multiply it by 0.2

What does the word divisor mean in math?

the number you divide with

How do you get the mean in math?

you add all the numbers together then divide the answer by the number of numbers there are


The mean is where you add all the numbers there in front of you and then after you have done that you will divide how many number you see or just count and divide with the number you added together i mean the answer and you will get your answer.

How do you get the mean of something?

You add up all the numbers and then you divide the number you get and divide it by how many numbers you have.

What does it mean for a number to be a factor of another number?

It means it can divide into the other number evenly with no remainder.

What does find the factor of a number mean?

List the integers that will divide into the number evenly with no remainder.