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If you average 8 hours per night during that period, then you've slept away 25 years.

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Q: When you are seventy-five years old how many years have you slept?
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When you are 75 years old then how long will you have slept?

When you are 75 years old, you will have slept for 23 years in your lifetime.

How many years has a seventy five year old person slept?

75 years

If your heart beats sixty times a minute and you live until your seventyfive how many times did your heart beat?

your heat beats 11076000 if you are 75 years old

If you were 50 years old how many hours would you have slept total?

It depends,if you slept an average of 8 hours a night you would have slept about 146,000 hours at the age of 50.

What age was Susan dey when she slept with David cassidy?

She was 19 years old and David was 21 years

If you sleep for ten hours a day how old will you be when you have slept for a million hours?

You would be 273 years old.

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How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep?

20 years...For Rip Van Winkle was old and gray,And twenty summers had passed away--Yes, twenty winters of snow and frost etc...

How many men did Cleopatra sleep with?

We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.We don't know. We do know that she slept with Caesar and Antony, but there were more than likely others before Caesar as its highly improbable that a 22 years old woman in the ancient world would not have been sexually experienced.

How often does a cat sleep?

18 hours a day.For example, a 7-year-old cat in human years has only been awake 2 years of its life. It slept 5 years of its life.

How old was Beth when she first slept with dog?

after puberty

How many hours would a ten year old slept?

The average amount of sleep a 10 year old should have is around 8-11 hours