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Yes. Some oxygen leaves your body when you exhale. The process of respiration is a long one, and it works in conjunction with several other processes in order to supply your cells with the adequate energy to live. Inhalation brings in O2. That is a breathable air compound made up of 2 molecules of oxygen. When you exhale, you release CO2. That is carbon dioxide, which, in excess, would be a poison if it remained in our body. The dioxide, however, denotes that this molecule is not only one carbon, but also 2 oxygen atoms. So technically speaking oxygen IS removed from the body during exhalation.

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Q: When you exhale is oxygen removed from the body?
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What gas do we inhale?

We normally inhale 'air' which is mostly nitrogen (approx. 78%), oxygen, (approx. 21%) a little argon and other trace gasses, the lungs extract the oxygen which the body needs and we exhale the rest with a little waste carbon dioxide which was removed from the body by the lungs.

How is co2 removed from the body?

We find that carbon dioxide is removed from the body via what is called gas exchange in the lungs. When we inhale, air is drawn into the lungs, and the alveoli in the lungs are the sites where gas exchange takes place. Carbon dioxide exits the blood, and oxygen enters. When we exhale, the carbon dioxide is carried out of the body, and the process is repeated with another breath.

Which gas leaves your body after you exhale?

carbon dioxoxide and oxygen

Which body system lets you inhale and exhale air?

The Respiratory System allows your body to inhale and exhale air. It's role is to supply the blood with oxygen. That is accomplished by breathing, that is, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.

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It is the lungs. it is there it is simple. when one breathes you inhale oxygen when you exhale you exhale carbon dioxide

What happens to oxygen after it has been used by your body?

The oxygen goes into your lungs, then into your blood stream. Then carbon dioxide goes into your lungs and thats when you exhale. Oxygen changes to carbondioxide in your body.

Why do you inhale and exhale?

because your body extracts the oxygen from the air in your lungs and as a result the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen in increased. Edit: During aerobic respiration, your body produces carbon dioxide from the breakdown of glucose to create ATP. Carbon dioxide is also produced during fermentation.

Do we exhale oxygen rich air from our lungs?

We exhale more oxygen than we use. Air contains approximately 20% Oxygen - when we breathe in - we absorb about 4% of the oxygen - and exhale the rest.

Why do you exhale after holding your breath?

the body feels a lack of oxygen. It also feels a buildup of CO2 .

How carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle in your body?

We breathe in oxygen which is supplied from plants and we exhale carbon dioxide which then plants take in for energy

How can you breathe through your mouths and nose?

Your lungs circulate oxygen every time you inhale and exhale. They travel through your body when you inhale to the lungs and the lungs store the oxygen, and as you exhale, carbon dioxide from the air is released.

When lungs inhale oxygen what does it exhale as waste?

when lungs inhale oxygen what doesit exhale as waste