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Q: When you exhale the rib cage rises and the diaphragm contacts?
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What happens to your diaphragm rib cage and lungs often you exhale?

Your diaphragm expands, your rib cage goes up, and your lungs also expand. I learned this in science.

What happens when the diaphragm moves downward and the rib cage moves up and out?

The opposite. When you exhale, the diaphragm moves upward to push the air out of the lungs.

What happens to the size of the chest cavity as you inhale?

The movement of the diaphragm affects the size of the chest cavity by when you inhale the chest cavity enlarges, but when you exhale the chest cavity becomes smaller.

What happens when the diaphragm and the rib cage muscles relax?

The diaphragm relaxes during EXHALATION. Your diaphragm flattens when you inhale, creating more space for the lungs to take in more air.

When your rib cage expands its inhaling?

Yes, this, in combination with the movement of the diaphragm (controlled by surrounding muscles) allows space for air to rush into the lungs. Thus, you breathe.

Does exhalation occur when the diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax?

Yes, exhalation occurs when the diaphragm and muscles of the rib cage relax.

What happens to the rib cage when inhaling and exhaling?

it expands as we inhale and contrasts as we exhale...this allows our lungs to fill up with air without pushing on out rib cage the rib cage moves up and out when inhaling and moves down and in when exhaling.

Is your diaphragm below your rib cage?


What is the breathing line under the lung?

It is called the Diaphragm, which is under the lungs and rib cage. ---- The Diaphragm is what moves the rib cage up and down when you breath in and out.

What protects the lungs and supports breathing?

The Rib Cage, Sternum and the Diaphragm.

What happens to a muscle when it relaxes?

all the muscle filaments move away from each other

What muscles do we use to get oxygen into our bodies and carbon dioxide out?

Here is the entire list:Scalenes (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Sternocleidomastoid (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)Pectoralis minor (Elevate Rib Cage, assist in inhalation)External Intercostals (Elevate rib cage, assist in inhalation)Internal Intercostals (Depress, assist in exhalation)Diaphragm (Prime mover of inhalation)When you breathe out, or exhale, your diaphragm relaxes and moves upward into the chest cavity.The intercostal muscles between the ribs also relax to reduce the space in the chest cavity.