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travel mugs act just like Thermal flasks there is a container inside the outside of the mug which is separated from contact by a vacuum which prevents heat from conducting apart from at the top where there is a bit of contact and over time heat will escaped through that

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13y ago

Microwaves heat things by interacting with water molecules in the object. Since water is the object the microwave is directly interacting with it.

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10y ago

since mug is an insulator of heat it is not as hot as water.

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Q: When you microwave water why is the water hotter than the mug?
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Why does the tea in a mug get hotter than the mug in a microwave?

Materials that have a degree of electrical conductivity or contain molecules with resonant frequencies at or near the frequency of the microwave radiation will be able to absorb the microwave energy. Ceramics that are fired in a reducing atmosphere may be slightly conductive. Porous ceramics may contain sufficient moisture to provide heating through microwave absorption by the water molecules.

Can soap in a cobalt blue shaving mug be melted in a microwave?

A microwave oven is designed to heat water, or substances which contain water. It does not work well for substances that do not contain water, and that includes soap. However, you could put the soap in water in a shaving mug, and the water could be made hot enough to melt the soap.

Is the AMP 2005999 Aladdin Desktop Mug Microwave Safe?

The desktop mug is Microwave safe. You can find out all about it on the aladdin website

How do you make brownie in a mug?

To make a brownie in a mug, you need to put flour, sugar, cocoa and salt into a microwave-safe mug. Stir with a fork and add in canola or vegetable oil, water and vanilla essence. Stir well to incorporate all of the ingredients.Cook on a high setting in the microwave. The cooking time depends on the power of your microwave. For example, in a 1,000 watt microwave, the cooking time is about 1 hour and 40 seconds.

Can I put a coffee mug on an electric stove top as to reheat coffee?

Do you mean, Can you heat your aluminum coffee mug in the microwave? Because of course you can heat coffee in an aluminum mug, just not in the microwave.

Can you microwave a teabag that has a metal staple in it?

Even if it's in the mug of water no! The metal can give off chemicals no matter how small it is. It's doubtful it will harm you, but it could melt into the water. Make your tea, then if it should get cool put the mug with the already made tea into the microwave for 15 - 20 seconds and reheat.

Vessels for boil tea?

To boil the water, most commonly used is a tea pot. Otherwise, you could use a small pot, and some people put a mug full of water into a microwave to boil, too.

How long will a coffee mug keep coffee hot?

It depends on the mug. If you use a heat retentive coffee mug, it will keep your coffee hot to the last sip (25 to 30 minutes); It requires one minute preheating in a microwave oven.

Why does a mug full of water appear light as long as it is under water in a bucket than when it is outside water?

When the mug is underwater, the buoyant force acting on it reduces the effective weight of the mug, making it feel lighter. However, when you lift the mug out of the water, the buoyant force is no longer counteracting the weight of the mug, so it feels heavier. This difference in perceived weight is due to the buoyant force exerted by the water on the object.

Are stainless steel travel mugs microwave safe?

Stainless steel travel mugs are not microwave safe as they can cause sparks or damage to the microwave due to the metal material. It is recommended to transfer the contents to a microwave-safe container before heating.

Why bubbles comes out when you dip an empty mug in a bucket full of water?

Because the air in the mug is transferred through the water, and air creates bubbles in water. There are large quantities of air in the mug so it will be released into the water. Air is lighter than water, and so it will float to the surface.

What happens to a mug that is not dishwasher microwave safe?

It may melt, then you will have real problems.