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Q: When you remember something your mind is using a process called what?
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When you remember something you're mind is using a process called?


A mnemonic device helps you remember something by?

using a familiar thing to stand in for something you want to remember.

When you remember something that is meaningful to you you are using?


What is the process of using things called?

using things

How do you test guitar pickups?

you can test the resistance using something electircians use i can't remember what its called. or tapping or playing them if their in the guitar installed properly

When you remember something because it has meaning for you you are using what?

When you remember something because it has meaning for you, you are using semantic memory. This type of memory involves the recollection of facts, concepts, and knowledge that have personal significance or relevance to an individual.

What is the refining process using electricity called?

it is called ELECTROLYSIS.

The process of making something from simple subunits is called?

In the case of making a house from bricks, it is called "building". Perhaps the term "assembling" could also be applied and if you were to be making a polymer then polymerization would be the term to use. If you were assembling something using words as sub units the process would be called writing or if you were a musician, composing. If you were a computer programmer then the process would be called coding. This answer is probably not exhaustive.

The process of using tools to calculate the amount of something?

it is measuring

What is the process of separating liquids by using evaporation and condensation?

Evaporation is used to heat the liquid mixture to a temperature where one liquid evaporates but the other remains a liquid. The evaporated liquid is then condensed back into liquid form by cooling it. This process separates the two liquids based on their different boiling points.

When you remember something that is Meaningful to you you are using what?

When you remember something that is meaningful to you, you are using your long-term memory. This type of memory stores information for an extended period of time, especially things that are personally significant or have emotional importance.

What is using a net in a pond called?

ponddipping is the process of using a net in the water.