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It depends. When you wear waterproof mascara, most likely not. If you wear regular, chances are yes.

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Q: When you wear mascara and you cry does it go of?
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Does waterproof mascara work better than regular mascara?

Not really, unless you sweat (like if you wear mascara to workouts), cry a lot or swim. If you wear non-waterproof mascara, it'll run down your face. This looks great on Trinity Broadcasting Network, where the women who can cry on cue sit there with mascara streaming down their cheeks as they talk about how much they love Jesus. Most of us aren't televangelists, to which we should all be thankful. Mascara staying where you put it is Good, so I recommend wearing waterproof mascara and waterproof eyeliner.

What begins with the letter M and runs when you cry?

Mascara runs when you cry.

What do you wear so that mascara does not run?

You get waterproof mascara. Its expensive but it really works.

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What is the history of waterproof mascara?

A lot of women will have noticed that if they cry, get their face wet or rub their eyes, their mascara will run, creating streaks of black down their faces. Waterproof mascara was designed and created to stop this effect. It's very good for wearing on a day out, especially to somewhere like a theme park (the water rides could be difficult if not wearing waterproof), or when it's raining, to prevent the mascara running and creating a spoiled look and great embarrassment on the wearer's part.

Does saltwater make mascara run faster?

Yes, saltwater makes mascara run faster. Just like when you cry, those tears are a type of saltwater.

Can you wear glassed and mascara?

Of course! My friend wears glasses and mascara all the time. Just be sure to leave your glasses off until the mascara dries.

Does Bill Kaulitz wear mascara?

Obviously. Haha.

What color of mascara do people wear most?


What mascara does Jessica Alba wear?

Star Lash!

Should under 14s wear makeup?

umm well yes 14 you should wear eyeliner,mascara,eyeshadow,blush and gloss. 13,mascara,eyeshadow, white eyeliner,blush,and gloss any other age than that should wear eyeshadow,gloss and brown mascara

What is the difference between waterproof mascara and regular mascara?

Waterproof mascara is different from regular mascara. Waterproof mascara is made so that if your face gets wet, it won't run as easily. So if you want to go swimming, will be crying a lot, or be in the rain your best bet is to go with waterproof mascara.